Transfer from Metamask to SS58 address
In this tutorial you will learn how to transfer TAO from your Metamask wallet to your Bittensor SS58 address for a coldkey (wallet) or a hotkey. You will learn how to do this via two different methods:
- Method 1: Transfer using a precompiled contract.
- Method 2: Transfer using the
extrinsic in theevm
pallet in subtensor blockchain.
You must run EVM Testnet with Metamask Wallet tutorial before you can run this tutorial.
Method 1: Transfer using a precompiled contract
The private key or the seed for your SS58 is not required for this method.
This step will transfer 0.5 TAO to your ss58
destination address specified in the withdraw.js
file. Look for the following lines in this file:
// Destination address can be replaced with any ss58 address here:
const destinationAddress = account.address;
and provide your ss58
destination address as shown below:
const destinationAddress = "5HgU7B3xfSfisR1A7wDMt7FHX5Uizj6xtWWHwhwJMZSrdN7y";
Before you proceed, make sure you finished the Install step.
Next, navigate to the examples
directory of the EVM-Bittensor repo:
cd examples
node transfer.js
While working with the subtensor EVM, 1 TAO should be written as 1 followed by 18 zeroes, i.e., 1e18. See this code example:
Then, run:
node withdraw.js
You will see the output similar to below, indicating a successful transfer of TAO from your Metamask account to your ss58
destination address:
node withdraw.js
2024-10-07 15:34:58 REGISTRY: Unknown signed extensions SubtensorSignedExtension, CommitmentsSignedExtension found, treating them as no-effect
2024-10-07 15:34:58 API/INIT: RPC methods not decorated: chainHead_v1_body, chainHead_v1_call, chainHead_v1_continue, chainHead_v1_follow, chainHead_v1_header, chainHead_v1_stopOperation, chainHead_v1_storage, chainHead_v1_unfollow, chainHead_v1_unpin, chainSpec_v1_chainName, chainSpec_v1_genesisHash, chainSpec_v1_properties, debug_getBadBlocks, debug_getRawBlock, debug_getRawHeader, debug_getRawReceipts, debug_getRawTransaction, delegateInfo_getDelegate, delegateInfo_getDelegated, delegateInfo_getDelegates, eth_getBlockReceipts, neuronInfo_getNeuron, neuronInfo_getNeuronLite, neuronInfo_getNeurons, neuronInfo_getNeuronsLite, subnetInfo_getLockCost, subnetInfo_getSubnetHyperparams, subnetInfo_getSubnetInfo, subnetInfo_getSubnetInfo_v2, subnetInfo_getSubnetsInf_v2, subnetInfo_getSubnetsInfo, transactionWatch_v1_submitAndWatch, transactionWatch_v1_unwatch, transaction_v1_broadcast, transaction_v1_stop
2024-10-07 15:34:58 API/INIT: node-subtensor/302: Not decorating unknown runtime apis: 0x42e62be4a39e5b60/1, 0x806df4ccaa9ed485/1, 0x8375104b299b74c5/1, 0x5d1fbfbe852f2807/1, 0xc6886e2f8e598b0a/1
Sending balance to ss58 address: 5HgU7B3xfSfisR1A7wDMt7FHX5Uizj6xtWWHwhwJMZSrdN7y
pubk = f873b72b75b9029397edceaa04cf08cc97909c8b6304f2ccc3593641bf92e97c
Transaction response: ContractTransactionResponse {
provider: JsonRpcProvider {},
blockNumber: null,
blockHash: null,
index: undefined,
hash: '0x4f3bde9e678d7307f2c07dd3212d6920db8e2af8ade052a823b3ad1f28ddc221',
type: 2,
to: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000800',
from: '0x709615c655B24919F48B365D292521EFcC74467B',
nonce: 0,
gasLimit: 21576n,
gasPrice: undefined,
maxPriorityFeePerGas: 0n,
maxFeePerGas: 20000000000n,
maxFeePerBlobGas: null,
data: '0xcd6f4eb1f873b72b75b9029397edceaa04cf08cc97909c8b6304f2ccc3593641bf92e97c',
value: 500000000000000000n,
chainId: 945n,
signature: Signature { r: "0xc8cf1d54513eb26ee13ca8e001201e918d50593ce6efd4ceee6645ec1879f183", s: "0x6594fe686ecac6131b536b9ff5277f40da1d12ab6c2a269693029c58cef8417d", yParity: 0, networkV: null },
accessList: [],
blobVersionedHashes: null
Transaction confirmed.
In the above example, a coldkey ss58
address 5HgU7B3xfSfisR1A7wDMt7FHX5Uizj6xtWWHwhwJMZSrdN7y
(line 5 in the above log) is used as a destination address. The Metamask wallet address used is: 0x709615c655B24919F48B365D292521EFcC74467B
(line 15 in the above log).
Finally, use the below btcli
command to check the balance of your ss58
address (the below --ss58
option is supported in BTCLI 8.2.0 or later versions):
btcli wallet balance --ss58 5HgU7B3xfSfisR1A7wDMt7FHX5Uizj6xtWWHwhwJMZSrdN7y
Method 2: Transfer using withdraw
extrinsic in subtensor evm
You will need the private key for your SS58 for this method.
Copy your
address (for example:5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty
). You need the private key for this address setup in Polkadot JS extension. -
Paste it into
in main function inwithdraw-address.js
script. -
Next, navigate to the
directory of the EVM-Bittensor repo:cd examples
node withdraw-address.js
Copy the "Ethereum mirror:" output address.
Transfer the amount to this address that you wish to transfer using Metamask. Make sure to clear activity tab data if you restarted the network previously: Settings > Advanced > Clear activity tab data.
Make sure your destination address is funded to run a transaction.
Open the Extrisics section in Polkadot JS app:
pallet andwithdraw
extrinsic. -
Paste the "Ethereum mirror" output address into address field.
Put the amount you are transferring into amount field. Note that Metamask balances are by 10^9 lower than Polkadot Apps UI balances because Metamask will not respect 10^9 decimals for native currency before we have a corresponding PR to merged.
Submit the transaction.
Finally, use the below
command to check the balance of yourss58
address (the below--ss58
option is supported in BTCLI 8.2.0 or later versions):btcli wallet balance --ss58 <ss58 address>